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Bioneuroemotion is a therapeutic approach that focuses on the relationship between emotions, the brain, and the body and how they can influence physical and psychological health. It combines knowledge from various fields, including neuroscience, psychology, and traditional medicine, to help individuals identify and manage emotional conflicts contributing to their health problems.

Generally, counselling or therapy involves talking with a trained professional to address emotional, behavioural, or relationship issues. There are many different types of counselling and treatment, each with its approach and techniques. Some examples include cognitive-behavioural therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and humanistic therapy.

Bioneuroemotion was developed by Dr. Enric Corbera, a Spanish therapist and teacher who integrated his background in psychology, traditional Chinese medicine, and other holistic therapies into a new approach to healing. According to bioneuroemotion, emotions can influence the functioning of the body and brain and contribute to developing physical and psychological symptoms and illnesses.

The therapy involves identifying and resolving emotional conflicts, often related to past experiences or family dynamics, through techniques including introspection, visualization, and energy work. Bioneuroemotion also emphasizes the importance of nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle factors in supporting overall health.

Although bioneuroemotion is not widely recognized in mainstream medical and scientific communities, it has gained a following among individuals seeking alternative healing and personal growth approaches. As with any therapy or approach to health, it is important to work with a qualified practitioner and to approach any claims with a critical and informed perspective.

“Bioneuroemotional counselling” combines counselling principles and bioneuroemotion, a therapeutic approach that emphasizes the relationship between emotions, the brain, and the body and how they can influence physical and psychological health.

In bioneuroemotional counselling, a therapist or counsellor trained in bioneuroemotion would help clients to identify and manage emotional conflicts that may be contributing to their health problems, using a range of techniques including introspection, visualization, and energy work. The therapist would also work with the client to explore and process past experiences and family dynamics affecting their emotional well-being and overall health.