Learning to unlearn is to stop doing the same thing in the same way. It means finding or discovering that other paths can lead us to the same destination, leaving behind the limitations we commonly have, and embracing those we haven’t experienced.

Do you find it difficult to let go of old beliefs? Are there parts of yourself that you would like to change but they resist?

Throughout our lives, we have learned many things, both at home and at school. We have accumulated information without filtering it, without taking the time to distinguish what serves us from what doesn’t, what brings us happiness from what simply helps us survive.

And then comes a moment when we find ourselves at a crossroads in our own lives, where we start to question certain learnings, habits, and many apathies.

Furthermore, why is it that what we know no longer serves us? If we have functioned in a certain way until now, why do we doubt our way of doing things? When we question ourselves at a personal level, we are doubting our entire system and even our relationships.

Letting go of our identification with what we have learned, questioning its effectiveness, and asking ourselves what part of ourselves is reflected in our behavior is the first step to integrating new information.

It is essential to understand that, even more important than learning something new, is realizing that our way of seeing the world is optional and learned.

The inheritance we have received is neither good nor bad; it is what our system has deemed appropriate for ensuring our survival. It has been transmitted to us in the form of beliefs and values, and we are expected to continue living in a specific way.

It is about understanding the positive intention behind what we were taught and thereby connecting with ourselves. We stop blaming and judging, preparing ourselves for transformation.

Bioneuroemotion suggests learning to unlearn through self-inquiry, thanks to all the information we can observe in our projections, our relationships, and our circumstances.

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