There are areas in your life that you want to change or improve on to achieve greater success and emotional well-being. Understanding what personal development is will help you achieve your dreams and aspirations.

Also known as personal growth or human development is defined as an improvement process that helps us acquire and enhance the necessary resources to achieve our vital objectives. It is a procedure through which we learn certain techniques and skills that will lead us to success.

Instead of starting from the question “Who do I want to be?”, which leads us to an attempt at self-improvement, a process of change that is externally oriented, not oriented to what we are, and, therefore, will not be effective or durable. A true development process only occurs when we start with the question, “Who am I?”.

What is Personal Development?

Personal development is a process of self-improvement and growth that helps us identify our true resources, interests, and vital objectives to acquire and enhance the resources needed to achieve and give meaning to our lives.

How does personal development occur?

It is a process of introspection in which we try to discover our own identity to explore our talents, improve our health, and change our lifestyle in harmony with our minds and body. It implies an internal movement aimed at expanding our field of consciousness.

The development of consciousness

Bioneuroemotion conceives personal development not as the cause but as the consequence of the increase in consciousness. For this reason, behaviors are not taught but tools to transform any experience into an opportunity to get to know oneself and expand awareness.

To evolve, it is essential, in every difficult situation, to stop expecting other people to change and to resume your responsibility, that is, your ability to respond to the circumstances that cause you stress. This ability arises by not projecting the cause of what happens to you outside, that is, understanding that everything that surrounds you has to do with you. This attitude takes you away from guilt and victim-hood, allows you to get to know yourself in depth, identify and overcome your blocks, and, ultimately, resume your life. Thus, each interaction becomes significant learning for your evolution.

Development leads you to your destination.

–John Maxwell

Habits to train emotional well-being

What habits help you manage the current situation? What can you do to develop your inner balance? Do you want to learn some guidelines to train your emotions?

Many habits can help you use your unprecedented emotional management and times. Here are some that you can apply practically.

Respect and communicate your emotional states:

Living in situations where we can feel anger, sadness, or fear is normal. The fact of recognizing it, respecting it, and expressing it becomes fundamental. Remember that ignoring or covering it up doesn’t make it go away. It just makes it impossible to resolve. For this, the balance of demanding that others respect you but without making them guilty is important. Our emotional states are our responsibility, not that of others. But that they are appreciated is part of our process of respecting ourselves.

Close pending tasks:

Imagine that our brain is like a computer. The more programs we have open, the slower the processor works. Closing “folders” will free us from a great load of psychic pressure and allow us to focus on managing our present. We all have simple tasks that may be crashing our system. Writing them down and crossing out one daily is a practical and simple resource to balance ourselves.

Respect your rest and your space:

Quality action time begins with quality “idle” time. Saving a few hours a day disconnected from the world, focused solely on ourselves, is the best gift we can give to the people around us. We all need to learn to listen to ourselves, a habit that can only be taught by example. Sleep and leisure time is essential to effective, creative, and productive workspaces.ce of life.

Speed ​​leads us to “do” many things but “live” very few. You will see how daily situations such as eating, showering, cooking, or cleaning completely change when we dedicate more time than usual. How we act on the outside is how we structure ourselves on the inside. If you want to stop the speed of your mind, you can start to modify the rate of your actions.

Train your curiosity:

Learning to analyse and see everyday things with a new perspective is a great way to develop our conscience.

Curiosity is one of the personal strengths that positive psychology studies. The more experts examine interest, the more evidence they find for a happier and more fulfilling life.

Keys to increase the levels of curiosity:

1. Question everything

2. Get out of the routine and look for mini-adventures and challenges (no matter how small)

3. Make friends with uncertainty and your fears

4. Connect with your creativity and create things

5. Make lists of brand-new areas and activities

6. Sign up for a new course

7. Eat well and move a lot to activate your curiosity

Learn to laugh and play:

An innate part of the human being feeds on play and laughter. When everything we do is “important” and “formal,” we lose perspective and make even the most insignificant event big. Playing is a way of learning to make our minds more flexible and stimulate our creative side.

Remember that our present is always the perfect time to discover our internal resources, stop covering our needs with routine, and transform our fears into tools for change.

“If you want different results, do not do the same.

– Albert Einstein

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