Learn to unlearn

Learning to unlearn is to stop doing the same thing in the same way. It means finding or discovering that other paths can lead us to the same destination, leaving behind the limitations we commonly have, and embracing those we haven’t experienced. Do you find it difficult to let go of old beliefs? Are there […]

Mindfulness and Bioneuroemotion

More and more people are realizing that in order to enhance their emotional well-being, they need to develop themselves internally and learn to expand their awareness of what is happening to them. At the same time, increasing research supports the idea that individuals who engage in these types of practices are able to reduce their […]

Work Disability due to depression

Before discussing work disability due to depression, it is necessary to explain what we call work disability. Work disability is defined and evaluated by the National Institute of Social Security. Depression can make it impossible for an employee to perform work, thus it can be a cause of disability as long as the situation is […]

Failure does not exist and success is built by us

The situation we call failure is an excellent opportunity to learn about ourselves. Of course, it requires a good dose of humility to recognize what we are not doing well. The successful discourse on failure tells us that we must fail first in order to achieve our goals and attain the success we desire. From […]