Finding Solutions
A Collaborative Approach to Lasting Change
Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) is a brief and goal-directed approach that focuses on identifying and amplifying existing strengths and resources. Unlike traditional therapies that delve deeply into past experiences, SFT emphasizes the present and future, focusing on what clients want to achieve rather than dwelling on problems. This approach acknowledges that individuals possess the inherent capacity for change and empowers them to identify and utilize their own strengths to create positive solutions.

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Key principles of SFT include
- Focus on Solutions: SFT shifts the focus from problems to solutions, encouraging clients to identify and utilize their existing strengths and resources.
- Goal-Oriented Approach: Therapy sessions are structured around clearly defined, achievable goals set by the client.
- Collaborative Partnership: The therapist acts as a guide and collaborator, working alongside the client to identify solutions and develop action plans.
- Emphasis on Strengths and Exceptions: SFT highlights instances where clients have successfully coped with challenges or experienced positive change in the past.